Emerge Pennsylvania in partnership with America Votes is hosting campaign staff training this year for Democratic campaign staffers who are looking to support Female canidates in the 2019 election cycle.
Our Campaign Staff Training has been developed and honed by Emerge Pennsylvania with the help of our affiliates to give Democratic Campaign Staff the skills they need to run turbocharged campaigns. Pennsylvania’s Top political strategists and trainers will teach attendees critical elements of running a turbocharged campaign, plugging in volunteers, and managing staff:
Campaign Planning & Structure
Developing Campaign Strategy
Messaging & Media Relations
Social & Digital Media
and much more!
Endorsements & Power Brokers
Field Organizing
Volunteer & Community Engagement
Tuition varies by region and state, and includes the training, associated materials and food. Participants are responsible for their own lodging. Attendees who complete the staff training will be considered Emerge staff training alumna and have access to alumnae resources, as well as continuing education opportunities for alumnae. Tuition may be paid by personal or campaign committee accounts. Due to campaign finance regulations, Emerge and its affiliates cannot provide scholarships to staff training participants.
For more information about attending a staff training, please email contact@emergepa.org