Organization works to recruit progressive women to run for office
Last week, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research ranked Pennsylvania as 31st out of the 50 states in terms of female representation in elected positions. The Keystone State had previously ranked 45th. And, while different factors contribute to Pennsylvania’s climb, one organization is committed solely to making that happen: Emerge… Read More
How did Janet Diaz win another primary without the Lancaster Dems endorsement?
For a second time, Janet Diaz has won the Democratic nomination for elected office without the support of the county Democratic party — this time to take on Republican Sen. Scott Martin and in doing so, becoming the the first county Latina nominated for a state Senate seat. She did… Read More
Northwest Pennsylvania women train to run for office
Women can get professionals to help them run for elected office. Did you ever think about running for elected office? Kristy Gnibus, Lydia Laythe, Marci Mustello, Christal Lepak and Julie Slomski did more than think about it. They signed up for training in various programs, and they shared what they… Read More
In Delaware County, a historic race looms as Democrats seek their first council majority
For generations, there was no surer political bet in Southeastern Pennsylvania than Delaware County. Party bosses and watchdogs could rest assured that come every November, it would maintain its reputation as an ironclad Republican stronghold. But in less than a month, all bets will be off. For the first time… Read More
Councilwoman Diaz announces run for 13th state Senate district
Lancaster City Councilwoman Janet Diaz announced her bid for state Senate on Saturday. Diaz is running as a Democrat in the 13th senatorial district, which Republican Sen. Scott Martin currently represents. Her announcement comes especially early, since the primary election to be the Democratic candidate isn’t until April 2020. Martin,… Read More
‘Everything inside of me broke’: Newly elected Pa. lawmaker wants the Capitol to confront gun violence
The first time violence tore through state Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell’s family, she was 8 years old. Her father was shot and died in her mother’s arms on Easter Sunday, just outside of their home in West Philadelphia. The next time, she was barely a teen. Charles Anthony was her brother… Read More
Rothchild May be a First for Scranton
Voters in Scranton took a step toward making history in Tuesday night’s election. One of the winners of the Democratic nomination for city council could be the first openly gay person elected to city office. Jessica Rothchild knew she was taking a risk running for Scranton City Council. The physical… Read More

Movita Johnson-Harrell Is Now the First Muslim Woman in the Pennsylvania State Legislature
As told to Madison Feller Historically, women have needed to be convinced to enter politics. But since the 2016 presidential election, thousands of women have decided to run. And we want them to win. So we’re giving them examples of a woman who has run. The point: You can, too. Read More

‘Breakthrough moment’: Anti-Trump fires forge historic field of 2020 women
The roster of female officeholders vying for the Democratic nomination now numbers five, more than in any presidential primary election in history. By NATASHA KORECKI and CHARLIE MAHTESIAN That “highest and hardest glass ceiling” Hillary Clinton talked about shattering? As of Monday, there were five more big cracks. They surfaced… Read More

Democratic women make inroads in Pennsylvania and across America
For a large sector of the electorate it was payback time. On Tuesday, the blue wave had strong pink undertones. Democrats accomplished their goal of winning back the House in the 2018 midterm election, and women clinched a political moment. Four Democratic women won congressional races in Pennsylvania on Election… Read More